To all of my faithful readers,
I'm considering taking this show outside of the blogosphere. Due to my own propensity to end up at high profile Republican events without credentials, I'm considering purchasing a domain name. I like to think of this website as one part stunt and three parts journalism. Tentatively, the concept for the website is to acquire press-level access to large Republican caucus events and hang with the press crew (in hopes of procuring a job post-Americorps, right?). I'll probably provide coverage of each event, along with political analysis of the rest of the day's top political stories. If nothing else, the website will provide further writing practice for yours truly. I'd like to make the site a multimedia venture with clips from the Youtube, Twitter, and whatever else is in this series of tubes. The good news for my pocketbook is this domain name purchase is pretty cheap. The tentative URL for the website is If anyone has other suggestions, drop a comment.